Blog archived articles (in english) - year 2016
Nacho aboard Xebec

The story of Xebec and me

Written on by Nacho in About me

As so many people kept asking about how I ended up living and working in a small sailing boat, it was time to explain it, even if I had to resume 10 years of my life in a few lines


tarot consultation

Tarot consultations in English

Written on by Nacho in By phone

After 12 years attending to tarot consultations in Spanish by phone or email, I decided to officially offer that same service in English even if I don't speak it as well as I would like, but the truth is that I have been doing it for a while whenever somebody asked for it



Hard facts about Jupiter

Written on by Nacho in The Jupiter cycle

It is the largest planet in the solar system and one of the cornerstones of Chinese Astrology, in this small article I explain the few basic things anyone interested in astrology should know about it


Hajime using his telescope

Jupiter's 12 years cycle and the Chinese Zodiac

Written on by Nacho in Astronomy basics

It may be just a chain of coincidences, but Jupiter takes 12 years in going around the Sun, and just once each 1000 years its position coincides with their corresponding 12 chinese solar months signs, the last time it matched was in the 20th century


chinese dragon in the street

The Chinese Solar Months

Written on by Nacho in Chinese months

Although many people ignore it, Chinese Astrology has its equivalent to the Western Zodiac signs, which far from contradicting, do complement each other, forming a set of 24 alternating signs coinciding the most clear point of the Chinese with the transition from one western sign to the next, and viceversa


Haruhi mirando al cielo

Dates comparison, the Chinese style

Written on by Nacho in Any year forecast

I just published this new program, that simulate one of the traditional Chinese ways of comparing two dates at an astrological level, it can be used both to check the compatibility of two persons or to guess how somebody may fare in a given date


fire rooster

2017 predictions, the Fire Rooster year

Written on by Nacho in The Chinese Zodiac

We are getting closer to the year of the Fire Rooster (2017), in this article I wrote some basic trends for that year taking into account each chinese month and its combination with the rooster


Ancient chinese divination plate

Astrology or Tarot?

Written on by Nacho in Life's cards

Often I am asked for short term predictions based on the Chinese natal chart of somebody, and the truth is that for specific situations that develop in a matter of weeks or months often is much more practical to do a series of tarot readings, maybe complementing it with a glimpse at the stronger astrological trends in the following months or years


uneasy monkey

2016, the year of the Fire Monkey

Written on by Nacho in 2016 Predictions

Starting in early february, the year of the Fire Monkey should bring us winds of change and some headaches because of thinking too much, but anyway this year should be an interesting one, with many chances to learn, evolve and get together with people of your kind


Nacho, the webmaster

Nacho (the webmaster)

During many years an unhappy Unix sysadmin, in 2004 began making this website, mostly in spanish, and tried to live my life in a more sensible way.

I was born in Spain 46 years ago, in 1999 moved to Madrid and began my short sysadmin career, then in 2008 moved to a small sailing boat and have being going from one place to the next until 2018, when I settled down in the Azores islands.

You can see my whole profile here.


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