Natal Charts: Get your natal chart now

Here you can get your Chinese Natal Chart for free, just enter your time and date of birth below and click the button:

Calculate my chinese natal chart:

For getting your chinese birth chart just fill this form:

Birth Date
Time (is the Solar Time)
Astrological Chinese Year beginning
(¿what is this?)

It's important to bear in mind that the interpretation of a natal chart using a computer program is always quite limited, what happens is that there are two different stages when making a natal chart:

  • The mathematical and astronomical calculations: these are made by the computer, and is a good help because doing so manually can take hours and is given to make mistakes that may alter the natal chart and its interpretation.
  • The interpretation of the above calculations: here is where computers are quite limited, to put it simple, once you learn to interpret a natal chart, you find it too much complex to write a program to do it, at least if nobody is going to pay you for that job!

Regarding the natal charts calculated in this web, the first part should be well done (supposing I made no mistake when writing the program), and the short interpretation and comments I give is what could be programmed without putting too much hours on it.

Anyway, I think that is good to give a general impression, and if you are curious about it you can just learn more from the information on this site or anywhere else... and for being a free natal chart is not so bad! ;-)

Then, whether your natal chart appears to be favourable or not, you have to borne in mind that although the data are reliable, the interpretation is rather superficial, sometimes there are things than can look too bad but looking in deep they are not so bad or can be compensated easily.

In addition to this limitation due to the use of a computer program to interpret them, you have to add all these factors, which in one form or another also can limit reliability:

  • The theories and methods on how to interpret a natal chart vary from one author to another, there are things generally accepted and things that are particular to different points of view or personal preferences.

    So is likely that two different astrologers interpret differently some aspects of the natal chart, and of course one has to be more than the other...

  • Throughout history these theories and methods of interpretation of natal charts have been changing, there has been quite a few things that have been lost, others that have been modified (rightly or not), and in consequence that has generated much confusion, so you shouldn't just believe whatever you are told.
  • Even it's not uncommon to find authors who contradict each other even when explaining how to perform some basic calculations, so if your are serious about learning to interpret a birth chart, you must establish your own criteria somewhat.
  • Ultimately, the natal charts are based on what happens in the sky during a cyclical period, but this is not constant over the centuries, there are slow changes that after one or two thousand years imply that some things have to be changed in the way a natal chart is calculated and interpreted, and this can happen or not, and even if these changes take place, there are differing views on how it should be done.

Then, from my point of view the natal charts are something useful and interesting, but which must be appreciated with caution, in the sense of having a critical attitude towards it, especially with its consistency with what the reality we know shows, my experience is that in the vast majority of cases, there is this consistency, but it isn't strange to find cases or issues where we do not see that all clear.

And anyway, it's basically a tool to try to understand ourselves and our circumstances a little better.

Nacho, the webmaster

Nacho (the webmaster)

During many years an unhappy Unix sysadmin, in 2004 began making this website, mostly in spanish, and tried to live my life in a more sensible way.

I was born in Spain 45 years ago, in 1999 moved to Madrid and began my short sysadmin career, then in 2008 moved to a small sailing boat and have being going from one place to the next until 2018, when I settled down in the Azores islands.

You can see my whole profile here.


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